I've certainly been feeling a lot of those lately, and in the same spot, which let me tell you is getting quite uncomfortable. I think the poor little guy has run out of room and is preparing his exit strategy. In fact, we had a bit of a scare last weekend when we really thought he was coming. Contractions were 7 minutes apart for over an hour and there we sat looking at "his room" which resembled a storage shed more than a nursery... Yikes!
No joke, it looked like this:

Nothing like a swift kick to jump start you, huh?... Don't get me wrong. I've been feeling pretty anxious for a while about the lack of progress on his room. It's just that with everything going on with me being, well, completely useless other than as a gestating machine, it's been hard for Robb to find the time to get it done. I completely understood, but that didn't keep me from freaking out none-the-less. Only now we were BOTH freaking out because the reality really set in that this baby CAN come anytime now, so no more dilly-dallying.
And so in a day, his room went from this:

to this!:

... And based on my last check up (yesterday) it sounds like it's a good thing we got moving!... We've already dilated to 1 CM and the doc thinks we're likely to blow in the next week or two (if that long!)... Wholly crap! We're still not due for another month!... But I'm incredibly grateful we've made it this far considering we didn't know if he'd make it al all...
Hard to believe we'll be meeting him soon. I can hardly wait!
Eeeee! The room looks great! I love the stripe. AND the monkey in the bed...I totally want one of those for my desk, dammit. :D
Hehe, yeah the monkey cracks me up!... I'm excited he did so much so fast. I can hardly wait for it to be done. Zoe of course has already checked it out and climbed into the crib to jump on the mattress. Way to break it in for him ;)
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