They seem to have halted the process for now, but unfortunately, the damage is done, which means I have to be really careful. I'll find out on Friday if the rest is helping and if I'll be allowed to go home, on parole so to speak, or if my sentence will be extended. I'm so torn because I want to make sure we do what's best to keep Lucas safe, but at the same time, I miss my family so much and want more than anything to be with them again.... Not to mention all this "free" time is giving me WAAAAAY too much time to think about things... For example, the nursery.
Prior to my 'incarceration', I was pretty sure I knew what I wanted for the nursery and was quite happy with our choices. The room was my office but conversion plans had already begun. The room is painted a lovely pale beige (Behr: Haze to be exact), and has a chair rail dividing it. A while back, Robb had found an awesome paint swatch (I'm way addicted to paint swatches by the way), called Summer Dragonfly..a BEAUTIFUL pale blue. The exact blue used in this picture actually:
We actually bought the bedding and some general room decor a while back on a sojourn to St. Joseph... At the time it seemed like quite the score on Craig's list!... Here's a stock photo of the set: (Not the crib, but the bedding, mobile, a hamper, some wall hangings, frames, a trash can, etc... it really was a good haul).

So it seemed the room was pretty well set. Obviously we needed to get furniture for it, but we were well on our way.
We had started looking at cribs and actually found one we both really liked for a really good price too. Lucas's room is a bit smaller than Zoe's... Not too small, but we definitely had to keep space in mind, so we were excited to find a crib/changer combo that would free up some space in the room for other stuff. Given how long it took to get Zoe's furniture once we ordered it, we decided not to wait... (Guess that was a pretty good decision, huh?!)
Ironically, the crib was delivered the same day I was brought to the hospital. I'm just glad Lucas wasn't delivered that day as well! Here's a pic of the crib we bought...

So we're good, right?... Wrong... stuck in bed with a laptop means lots of time online. Lots of time online means lots of browsing and finding new, fab designs for the room.
It all started with this picture:
It all started with this picture:

I LOVED the idea of the green with the bamboo blinds creating this jungle like room for our little monkey. I started thinking that maybe I just had my heart set on the Summer Dragonfly because of the name and not the color... Of course I was second guessing myself, what else could I do? This was all happening the first couple of days I was here when I couldn't get up at all and I was very heavily medicated, so I couldn't really focus on much... just think and wander aimlessly though cyberspace and my own cloudy mind... It was not pretty.
But I already had the bedding... Granted, it's a jungle theme, but it's somewhat on the pastel side... Suddenly I was sorry I bought stuff so early, but I still really love a lot of what we got (the wall hangings, frames, etc)... And then I found this!
But I already had the bedding... Granted, it's a jungle theme, but it's somewhat on the pastel side... Suddenly I was sorry I bought stuff so early, but I still really love a lot of what we got (the wall hangings, frames, etc)... And then I found this!

The clouds parted, the heavens shone down and the angels sang as I realized this one simple blanket summed up exactly what I wanted his room to be... and this one simple blanket would bring it all together... With one other small modification... We needed some chocolate. Suddenly, we weren't going to paint just 1/2 the room anymore, were we? Oh no, suddenly, the hunt was on for the perfect green and the perfect shade of chocolate to paint each 1/2 of the room... Poor Robb.
And what's this? I can order the paint swatches online?? They can send them right to me with just a few magical clicks?... Glory, hallelujah!!.. One step closer to making yet another decision. The rich colors mixed with the bamboo blinds and soft bedding topped off with that beautiful blanket?... OK, I think I'm lovin' it...
Then I saw this....
And what's this? I can order the paint swatches online?? They can send them right to me with just a few magical clicks?... Glory, hallelujah!!.. One step closer to making yet another decision. The rich colors mixed with the bamboo blinds and soft bedding topped off with that beautiful blanket?... OK, I think I'm lovin' it...
Then I saw this....

Crap... uses all the colors I want, keeps the theme, is simple and really cool!... What to do, what to do?... If we do incorporate a mural of any kind, definitely something like this! I can almost see it now... Leave the Behr Haze on the top half and paint this mural above the chair rail... then below the chair rail we paint it either chocolate or green... Definitely open to feedback on this one... Cause my brain is starting to hurt with the possibilities!... Hell, just describing the original design and posting the pic of the Summer Dragonfly and all had me pause for a minute to reconsider it... then I said Naaahhhhh... One theme at a time, damn it!... plus I found a super cute monkey clock that will just make the jungle monkey theme for my little monkey...
*sigh*... I'll have to decide soon, damn it... but at least I know whatever we settle on, he'll have a loving place to come home to once he's ready. If he does come early, which the doctors think is likely, he'll most likely end up in the NICU. I just hope he won't have to be there too long. You hear that kiddo?... hit that snooze button!

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