This has been a weekend for milestones. We've officially begun the second trimester, yeah!.. and while I'm of course excited about it, I'm a little disappointed that I'm not starting to feel better. I realize there isn't a magic switch that gets flipped the day your second trimester begins which makes you feel instantly better (wouldn't that be nice?!), but some improvement would be appreciated... Some sign that there IS a light at the end of the nausea tunnel. But alas, no such luck. Perhaps it's because we've found out we are having a boy? (OK, still just a 90% chance that it's a boy, but those are pretty good odds to me). People have been telling me they always felt sicker when carrying boys. One of those odd pregnancy myths?... Who knows, but it looks pretty good that I'm carrying a boy and I definitely feel sicker, so you tell me.
All the complaining aside though, it was beyond amazing to see the little guy the other day. He was quite active, which kind of surprised me... Active and very cooperative during the ultrasound, which is the exact opposite of Zoe. She liked to sleep during the ultrasounds and NEVER cooperated. This was one of the level 2 ultrasounds to make sure he's developing normally, which they do, apparently, because of my "advanced maternal age"... way to make me feel old guys!. Anyway, so far, so good, little guy was rockin' it!... The detail in these is astounding, you really can see everything!... The beating heart, the spine, even the two hemisphere's of the brain. Then they send you home with pics of your little alien baby to treasure and later torment them with. They really do look like an alien in these!... SEE:

OK, so if that wasn't monumental enough, Zoe had her own milestone this weekend. Due to the fact that she is getting dangerously close to climbing out of the crib on her own, and the increasing difficulty I've been having putting her IN the crib, we picked up and installed the toddler rail on her crib this weekend!... She's such a big girl now. It's hard to believe she's no sleeping in a crib anymore!... SEE:
Last night was her first night in "the big girl bed" and she did awesome!... She was reluctant to go to sleep, but I think that's more because she was having so much fun with us yesterday, so I had to cuddle with her a bit before she'd go to sleep (yeah, torture, right?! ;) She was still awake when I left, but instead of running after me, which she could clearly do now, she went to sleep!...
When I got her this morning, I fully expected to find toys everywhere from a mid-night or early morning play session, but nope, she was still in bed and was super excited when I came in cause she was able to get out and run to me all on her own... It was beyond sweet to see her so excited about her new found independence. Kerouac, our cat, is also a fan since now he can sleep in there too. We can't believe we didn't think about that!... At least he can't get in at night, but he's been in there just about every chance he can get. Silly cat.
The changing of the crib to a daybed also prompted some additional baby proofing in her room, which led to some general furniture moving and overall rearranging of a couple of rooms, which felt good to actually get done. I've been so incredibly useless lately that it felt really good to be productive for a change. Now if only I can keep up the momentum?
Anyway, Zoe's beyond excited with her new big girl room and it's nice that we can do stuff to fix up her room so she doesn't just feel like we're doing stuff for her brother and not her. In fact, yesterday was ALL about her, complete with a new haircut!... She was so great at the salon, not a single tear (although we fear she may have discovered Dora the Explorer since she was pretty much glued to it the entire time)... She looked super cute getting it cut though, SEE:
As usual, we could not be more proud of her, or more excited about the new baby... Things are really coming together and it feels great.
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