Tuesday, August 25, 2009

'Proud' moments

We all look forward to those moments, you know, where the teacher says your child is awesomely gifted and you gloat for days on end, then buy a bumper sticker to tell the world of your child's amazing accomplishments... "Proud of my honor roll student" or "My child played Carnegie Hall"... And of course, Zoe being the awesomely bright toddler she is, I practically expect that praise every time I pick her up.. (Doesn't every parent?).

And then the magical day came. I was picking Zoe up like any other day and before I knew it, Ms. Rebbeka turned to me and said, "You know, your daughter is the first girl in my class to..." I could hardly wait, the excitement rushed over me for those few moments waiting to hear what awesome thing my child was the first to do!.. How proud I'd be!... And then she finished... "You know, your daughter is the first girl in my class to eat mud!"... I was stunned. Oh yea, my daughter was the first girl in her class to eat mud. How awesome. That's my Zoe! :)


Anonymous said...

...and yet she won't eat meatloaf.

- robb

Faith said...

Dude, throw some mud on top of her piece of meatloaf, and see if that works!

(I never liked meatloaf either. I don't know why.)